UGrad Education Program

LifeSkills Education Program

Help-A-Kid Services

UGrad Academy – for Students in Foster Care. Watch the one minute video featuring a few our graduates! 

Education Programs

Our Education Programs teach children in foster care and poverty the vital skills needed succeed in life.

54% of Delaware children in foster care do NOT graduate from high school, and 85% of youth are jobless when “aging out” of the system at age 18. Incarceration rates are 63% higher for children who drop out of high school, and poverty rates triple. The innovative UGrad program achieves 98% graduation rates – way above the national average.


UGrad is a successful case management program that helps youth in foster care to graduate from high school and succeed in college and career.

Delaware’s high school graduation rate for foster children is only 54% – way below the national average! UGrad program changes these statistics by giving teens the support they need to obtain a high school degree and succeed in a career after graduation. Youth are paired with an education advocate who meets with them every two weeks. The advocate becomes a mentor that removes barriers to education. Youth learn to identify career goals, obtain employment and receive help transitioning from foster care to young adulthood. Outcome measurements show dramatic improvements!


After School Education Programs teach underserved children the socio-emotional and academic skills needed for a bright future

Our LifeSkills programs give children in foster care and poverty the skills needed to succeed in life. The high teacher:student ratio and innovative curriculum achieves outstanding results.

Our Approach

      • Small group intense instruction
      • Two college educated teachers for ten students
      • Evidenced based instruction
      • Interactive and engaging classes
      • Program cycles of 10 classes

Critical Topics

    • Job skills
    • Education
    • Career
    • Money management
    • Healthy relationships
    • Nutrition
    • Self care
    • Conflict management
    • Substance abuse prevention
    • Suicide prevention
    • Violence preventionand much more!

Our Results

Outcomes Analysis Reports for children in foster care and youth rehabilitation classes revealed:

Figures based on 100% Scale
Learned how to identify goals for a productive life
Learned how to make good decisions
Developed communication skills
Were grateful to learn they are a person of value
Show marked improvement in anger and stress management - and drastic improvements in all target areas!
Developed self-control to effectively manage their lives
Can manage money through budgeting
Learned how to choose good friends

Help-A-Kid Services

My Blue Duffel

My Blue Duffel emergency care kits are distributed to children who are victims of child abuse, neglect and trauma.  Each year, we deliver over 1200 My Blue Duffels to foster care offices, hot line center, police, FBI, and hospital emergency rooms.

Give Joy

We provide joyful life experiences to children in need. Through Kind to Kids, children in need are delighted to attend their very first professional basketball game or attend a musical performance. A gift on your birthday and toys for the holidays make all the difference when you have been taken from your home due to abuse and neglect. These kind and thoughtful gestures help a child get through the difficult times.

Why provide Help-A-Kid Services?

Children in foster care and poverty often do not have the stability, support and experiences that children from a stable home receive. Children in foster care are victims of abuse and neglect. They are removed from their own homes for their own safety. Scared and lonely, the children need help during this painful time in their young lives.

Each year, we provide over $30,000 in My Blue Duffel emergency care kits, $20,000 in holiday and birthday gifts and $15,000 in life opportunity event experiences that brighten children’s lives and broaden their horizons. 

Kind to Kids has sent over 16,000 children in need to life event opportunities worth over $360,000 in ticket costs.

Life Experiences

  • A child in poverty dreams about what it would be like to attend a sports game, a play, or a music performance…

  • Kind to Kids expands children’s horizons by showing them the beauty of the world around them.

  • Children are filled with joy to attend their very first professional baseball game, musical performance, day at Sesame Place, Longwood Gardens, Philadelphia 76ers game, or a delightful children’s theater performance.

  • Since we began in 2008, we have partnered with area venues to provide opportunities for over 15,000 children to attend events valued at over $350,000 in ticket costs.  Kind to Kids gives deserving children the opportunity to expand their world and discover new possibilities.

Foster Care Kindness

  • My Blue Duffel

    Instead of giving a child abuse victim a trash bag to put their things in when they are removed from their home for their own safety, they are given a comforting blue duffel bag, with a blanket, book, stuffed animal, socks, crayons and more to help with the painful transition.

  • Birthday Wish Program

    Every foster child deserves a gift on their birthday. We partner with Delaware’s Family Court CASA Program to give toys and books to foster children on their birthday.

  • Holidays for Homeless Children

    Many foster families have financial difficulties, with no extra money for gifts. We work with committed community partners to collect and distribute toys and books for all Delaware children in foster care each holiday season.

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